College of Communication


Communication is the art and science of creating and sharing meaning. In the College of Communication, you will develop a deeper understanding of the complex and challenging communication practices and processes that characterize our rapidly changing world; you will master the techniques for crafting and delivering messages across a variety of social contexts and platforms: face-to-face, print, audio, video, Web and other social media. You will learn from exceptional teachers - from professors who have many years of experience in some of the biggest media markets in the nation, and from scholars publishing in some of the top national and international journals. You'll gain hands-on experience in our state-of-the-art facilities, through our award-winning radio station and newspaper, and through a wide range of internships and community projects.

The College of Communication at DePaul has set the stage for enhanced quality, substantially enriched curricular and programmatic offerings, joint programming with other schools and colleges within the university, and expanded opportunities for our students to engage in experiential learning.​​

Contact Us

DePaul University
College of Communication  
14 E. Jackson Blvd. 
Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60604  
(312) 362-8600 

Administration & Faculty


Alexandra Murphy, PhD

Paul Booth, PhD
Associate Dean and Professor

Michaela Winchatz, PhD
Associate Dean and Associate Professor

Ginny Nightingale, MA
Assistant Dean, Academic Advising and Scheduling

Shena D. Ramsay, MS
Assistant Dean


Nina Abnee, BA, 
Advertising Professional in Residence,
Duke University

Luisela Alvaray, PhD,
Associate Professor,
University of California, Los Angeles

Daniel Azzaro, MBA,
Professional Lecturer,
Fordham University

Jay Baglia, PhD,
​Associate Professor,
University of South Florida

Paul Booth, PhD,
Professor and Associate Dean,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

David Brenders, PhD,
Associate Professor,
Purdue University

Carolyn Bronstein, PhD,
Vincent de Paul Professor of Media Studies,
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Rick Brown, BA,
Professional Lecturer,
University of Missouri

Leah Bryant, PhD,
Associate Professor,
University of Nebraska

Christopher Bury, MA,
Senior Journalist in Residence,
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Shu-Chuan Chu, PhD,
University of Texas at Austin 

Samantha Close, PhD,
Assistant Professor,
University of Southern California

Tim Cole, PhD,
Associate Professor,
University of California, Santa Barbara

Katherine Cooper, PhD,
Assistant Professor,
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

Leticia Couto, MA,
Assistant Professor,
Washington State University

Blair Davis, PhD,
Associate Professor,
McGill University

Michael DeAngelis, PhD,
University of Texas at Austin

Stefanie Demetriades, PhD,
Assistant Professor,
University of Southern California

Tao Deng, PhD,
Assistant Professor,
Michigan State University

Sydney Dillard, PhD,
Associate Professor,
Purdue University

Elissa Foster, PhD,
University of South Florida

Marshall Goldman, MA,
University of Washington

Dusty Goltz, PhD,
Vincent de Paul Professor of Communication,
Arizona State University

Robin Hoecker, PhD,
Assistant Professor,
Northwestern University

Jill Hopke, PhD,
Associate Professor,
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Stephanie Howell, MA,
Southern Illinois University

Kelly Kessler, PhD,
University of Texas at Austin

Kendra Knight, PhD,
Associate Professor,
Arizona State University

Daniel Makagon, PhD,
University of South Florida

Donald Martin, PhD,
University of Texas at Austin

Jason Martin, PhD,
Associate Professor,
Indiana University

Judith McCray, MA,
Senior Professional Lecturer in Residence,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 

Amy Merrick, MFA,
Senior Professional Lecturer,
Pacific University

Alexandra Murphy, PhD,
Professor and Dean,
University of South Florida

Lisa Parker, BA,
Director of the Center for Journalism Integrity and Excellence,
Northwestern University

Vincent Peña, PhD,
Assistant Professor,
University of Texas at Austin

Kristen Pengelly, MA,
DePaul University

Matthew Ragas, PhD,
University of Florida

Juliet Stantz, MA
Northwestern University

Adriane Stoner, MA,
DePaul University

JC. Bruno Teboul, PhD,
The Ohio State University

Hai Long Tran, PhD,
Associate Professor,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Nur Uysal, PhD,
Associate Professor,
University of Oklahoma

Scott Vyverman, MA,
Senior Professional Lecturer,
Northeastern Illinois University

Tianjiao (Grace) Wang, PhD,
Assistant Professor,
Washington State University

Barbara Willard, PhD,
Associate Professor,
University of Iowa

Michaela Winchatz, PhD,
Associate Professor and Associate Dean,
University of Washington  ​​​

Undergraduate Academics


The College of Communication offers eight majors 1


The College of Communication offers five Master's degree programs that can be combined with any of the eight Bachelor's degree programs. The graduate programs include:  Communication and Media; Digital Communication and Media Arts; Health Communication; Journalism; and Public Relations and Advertising

Honors Program

​​​Most students follow the Liberal Studies Program to meet their general education requirements. However, students accepted into the Honors Program fulfill general education requirements through an alternative set of courses. 

Latino Media & Communication Concentration

The program educates students to think critically about all aspects of media and communication, with a particular focus on Latino media and Latino communities. Coursework provides students with the applied skills necessary to create communication strategies, which effectively reach the Latino segment of the population, based on an understanding of Latino cultures in the US and grounded in an understanding of its cultural, economic and sociological aspects. This concentration is open to all communication majors. 

Learning Goals

Students who complete the concentration will:

  • Develop an understanding of the heterogeneous and rapidly changing Latino communities locally, nationally, and globally.
  • Ground their knowledge of intercultural studies within a more extensive and concrete knowledge of a particular (even though diverse), rapidly growing, and increasingly important population within the US Latino communities.
  • Increase their cross-cultural competence (understanding and ability to dialogue across difference, develop cultural sensitivity and awareness) with Latino communities.
  • Develop insights into the needs and motivations of Latino populations in the workplace, in community situations, and other sites of engagement, and develop communications tools and strategies to address those needs and motivations.
  • Enhance their capacity to communicate with and learn from Latino populations in the workplace, in community situations, and other sites of engagement.
  • Recognize the impact of the movement of Latinos across the globe and to develop the skills to critically consume and produce media, public relations, and advertisement representations that communicate to and about Latino communities.
  • Both engage and demonstrate their interest in Latino Studies within and across diverse areas of knowledge production in the Communication field.

Course Requirements

Course Title Quarter Hours
Select three of the following:12

For credit in this concentration, the internships must focus on Latino media and communication. 


For credit in this concentration, the course topic must focus on Latino media and communication.

Graduate Academics

The College of Communication offers six Master of Arts programs and two certificate programs.

Master of Arts Programs

Certificate Programs

Communication Graduate Academic Student Handbook

In addition to the DePaul University Graduate Student Handbook, the College of Communication Graduate Student Handbook includes requirements, rules and regulations for its graduate programs.

Upon admission to a graduate program, a student is to follow the catalog requirements in effect at the time of admission. A student who is readmitted or who changes his or her program or enrollment status is subject to the terms of the catalog in effect at the time of readmission or status change.

As a graduate student, you assume the responsibility to know and meet both the general and particular regulations, procedures, policies, and deadlines set forth in this catalog and handbook. This catalog does not constitute a contract between the student and the university. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and detailed information. The university reserves the right to revise the content of its catalogs and schedules; to change policies, programs, requirements, rules, regulations, procedures, calendars and financial schedules; to establish and modify admission and registration criteria; to cancel or change courses or programs and their content and prerequisites; to limit and restrict enrollment; to cancel, divide or change time or location or staffing of classes; or to make any other necessary changes.​​​​​

Courses and Credit

No one is permitted to attend a class for which he or she has not been properly and officially registered. Credit is accumulated on the basis of quarter hours.  The College of Communication does not allow students to audit graduate coursework. Undergraduate courses will not count toward the degree completion requirements of a graduate degree program in the College of Communication.

Students are not permitted to take graduate classes as pass/fail. They must earn a letter grade in all coursework. Grades of "D" and "F" are failing grades and will not count towards the completion of the degree. If a course is repeated, all of the grades are recorded on the academic record and calculated in the GPA.

Students enrolled for eight or more credit hours in an academic quarter are considered full-time. Students enrolled for four to seven credit hours in an academic quarter are considered half-time.

Credit Limitation

Courses completed within six years of the student's first date of enrollment will be considered in awarding the final degree.

Independent/Experiential Learning Course Credit Limitation

Graduate Students in the College of Communication may elect to enroll in independent/experiential learning courses such as CMN 591 Internship, CMN 592 Independent Study, CMN 593 Research Practicum, or JOUR 517 Experiential Learning in Journalism to fulfill elective requirements in their programs. A maximum of 8 credits (usually two 4-credit courses) of these independent/experiential learning courses in any combination will apply toward the degree. These courses also have enrollment requirements that must be met prior to registration. Please see the Independent Study/Experiential Learning or Internships sections of the College of Communication website for specific enrollment requirements.

Transfer Credit

College of Communication graduate degree-seeking programs vary with regard to the number of transferred credit hours allowed, with a maximum threshold of three courses (12-credit hours) that can be transferred in. Students must have earned a grade "B" or better in graduate-level courses in order for credit to be transferred. The courses must have been taken in the last five years and not taken toward the completion of another academic degree. Course transferability is not guaranteed, and each request will be addressed on an individual basis.​​​​​


Failure to Advance

All students are required to complete all requirements of their MA program within six years of first enrollment. Students failing to meet this requirement may be dismissed from the program. However, students can officially withdraw from the program and reapply later. If re-admitted, their previous coursework will count toward the degree if it meets the requirements of the program at the time of readmission; the six year time frame will include both spans of attendance, but not the time during which the student was not in the program.

Students who have not officially withdrawn from the program, but have been discontinued or dismissed from the active status roster will need to complete a re-application (and any other required admission materials as determined by the Graduate Advisor, Graduate Program Director, and Associate Dean) to resume the program and begin taking courses again, or to be eligible for the master’s thesis defense, project, or comprehensive exams.  Re-admission into the graduate program is not guaranteed, but if readmitted, the six year time frame will still remain from the date of the original enrollment.

Failure to Pass Comprehensive Exams

Students have two attempts to pass their comprehensive examination in programs where such examinations exist. Failure of one or all sections of the exams after the second attempt will result in dismissal from the program.

Failure to Advance Thesis Policy

Failure to advance thesis policy: If a student does not make significant progress towards the completion of the thesis within one year of submitting the thesis approval form, the student's committee has the authority to determine if the student is allowed to continue with the thesis.  If the committee decides to discontinue the thesis, the student must choose another degree completion option to fulfill the degree completion requirement.​

Failure to Meet the Requirements of Conditional Acceptance

A failure to meet the requirements of conditional acceptance admission decisions will result in dismissal from the graduate program.

Failure to Meet the Requirements of an Academic Probation Plan

A failure to meet the requirements of an academic probation plan will result in dismissal from the graduate program.

Special Circumstances

If a student has made good progress toward a degree program and has a compelling explanation for the circumstances that caused the dismissal, he or she may petition the graduate board for reinstatement. The graduate board will decide if any exceptions to the dismissal policy are warranted, and the board’s decision will also require the approval by the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs. To appeal an academic dismissal, a student must submit to the graduate advisor a letter of petition, current transcripts (including transcripts if credits were earned elsewhere after the dismissal from DePaul), and a current résumé.​​​​

Graduation Requirements

Degree Requirements

You must have successfully completed all of the general and specific degree requirements as listed in departmental or program sections of the catalog under which you were admitted. Completed degree requirements can include the submitting of the thesis, project, or comprehensive examination scores, and, if necessary, grade changes. Students need to achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.000 to graduate. Students must complete all degree requirements within six years of the first term of enrollment.​

Graduation with Distinction

In order to graduate with distinction from any of the College of Communication graduate programs, students must earn a 3.850 cumulative GPA or higher at the time of graduation.​​​

For students completing their graduation requirements at the end of Spring or Summer Quarters and participating in the June commencement ceremony, the cumulative GPA at the end of Winter Quarter will be used to determine if  the student's name will appear with distinction in the commencement book and be read with distinction at the ceremony. ​


All students are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.000 in their coursework. If a student's cumulative GPA falls below 3.000, the student will be allowed to complete an additional 16 credits or 3 quarters (whichever comes first) to attain the 3.000 minimum GPA. If the cumulative GPA remains below a 3.000 at the conclusion of this time period, the student may be dismissed from the program. The student's cumulative and term GPAs along with overall academic performance will be factored into the dismissal decision. ​

For specific information, please see the Grades section in the University Graduate Student Handbook.​​​​​


Applicants are admitted to the College of Communication on the basis of their proven competencies measured by academic criteria, recommendations, and demonstrated ability to complete programs of study and research prescribed for the M.A. programs. 

Readmission Procedures

Applications for readmission to any of the College of Communication graduate programs after a dismissal will only be considered after one calendar year.  Students who were discontinued from the active status roster for a period of 1-4 (maximum) calendar years must file a readmission application (and any other required admission materials as determined by the Graduate Advisor, Graduate Program Director, and Associate Dean). If more than four years have elapsed since the student has been in attendance, s/he must file a new application with all supporting application materials. The form must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the day of registration for the term in which you expect to resume your studies.

Official copies of transcripts recording scholastic work completed while not enrolled at DePaul University must be submitted. As a policy, students are held to the degree requirements that are in effect at the time of readmission.

Reclassification Procedures

Should the student desire to change programs or admission status, s/he must complete a new online application for the desired program. After submitting the application, it is the applicants’ responsibility to contact the Office of Graduate Admission to verify if any additional documentation is needed.

If you are switching to a different track in a joint program between colleges, you must complete an online application for the partnered college. After submitting the online application, some updated documents may be required.​​


Registration in Courses in Other Colleges or Schools

College of Communication graduate students may be permitted to register for graduate-level courses offered in other colleges or schools of the university after appropriate consultation and approval, including:

  • ​Submitting written email approval from instructor of the outside course for the CMN student to take the desired course as an elective. Student must submit this approval to graduate advisor.
  • Once received, the graduate program director or graduate advisor must give​ final approval that the outside elective will count towards degree completion requirements. The graduate advisor can assist with registration, if necessary.  
Non-College of Communication Student Course Registration

Students who are not enrolled in a CMN graduate program may register for courses if they receive written permission by the instructor and approval from the graduate advisor. Student must forward the email stating instructor​ approval to CMN graduate advisor to determine next steps. Non-degree seeking students are not permitted to sit in graduate communication courses unless prior approval is received from the college office.

Residence Registration

All graduate students who will use the facilities of the university (library, laboratory, etc.) or who will consult with faculty members regarding theses, projects, or comprehensive examinations, must be officially registered in each quarter.

Late Add Policy

Students will not be added to courses past the add deadline for each quarter as posted on the Academic Calendar. The Academic Calendar is available on DePaul’s website prior to the start of each academic year. All enrollments must be completed before this date. After this date, students will be unable to add courses through Campus Connect, and the graduate advisor will not process late adds due to University policy, even if the student has gained instructor permission.

For certain courses such as internship courses, independent studies, or courses that have a later start date indicated on Campus Connect, a late add is occasionally permissible and can be discussed with the graduate advisor. In the rare case that a student must be added late to a course because of extenuating circumstances, permission from both the instructor and the Associate Dean of the College of Communication is required. If the student gains permission from the instructor, the instructor must contact the Associate Dean with the reason for the late add. If the Associate Dean approves the request, it is then forwarded to the graduate advisor for processing. Students should not attend any course for which they are not registered.​ 

Closed Course Policy

The College of Communication will not process additions to closed Communication courses. Students should not attend a class for which they are not registered. 

In rare circumstances, a student who needs a specific course in their final quarter will be added by the graduate advisor to a closed course so that they can meet degree requirements in their final quarter. If there are other sections of that course still open, the student must add the open section. If a student finds a course that they need to graduate is closed, they must email the graduate advisor and request addition to the closed course. The advisor will verify that the course is required for graduation in that term and that there are no other sections of that course open. If those conditions are met, the student will be added to a section of the course. 

Once a course is closed, students should not email instructors to be added to closed courses. Course limits are set so that all students and the instructor can have a positive classroom experience. In the rare circumstance that an instructor does approve the addition of a student to his or her closed course, the instructor must email the graduate advisor within the deadline to add courses for that quarter so that the enrollment can be processed. Late additions to courses will not be processed, even with instructor permission. The deadline to add courses can be found on the Academic Calendar, which is available on DePaul’s website.​

Important Tips for Registration
  • Check your Holds and To-Dos frequently by signing in to Campus Connection. Please resolve them as soon as possible, as some may affect your ability to register.
  • Our online Learning Center with Campus Connection will help you make full use of new and updated tools for registration.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Academic Calendar, which includes critical academic and financial deadlines.
  • Answers to many student questions can be found on DePaul Central website.

Admission & Aid

Undergraduate candidates interested in admission to the College of Communication BA programs should direct all inquires to the Office of Admission:

Lincoln Park Campus:

Welcome Center 2400 North Sheffield Ave.
Chicago, IL 60614
(312) 362-8300

Loop Campus:

DePaul Center
1 East Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 362-8300

Graduate candidates interested in admission to the College of Communication MA programs should direct all inquires to the Office of Graduate Admission:

Office of Graduate Admission
College of Communication
DePaul University
2400 N. Sheffield Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 325-4405

Scholarship Opportunities


DePaul awards a variety of admission scholarships to freshmen and transfer students, as well as some scholarships for current students.  For information about university opportunities, visit the scholarship page​ of DePaul’s Admission and Aid website.  The College of Communication offers some scholarship support for continuing undergraduate students.  Communication scholarships opportunities vary; typically three to five scholarships are awarded each year, in the $1000-$2500 range.  Details on Communication scholarship offerings can be found at​.

Financial Aid

Students who plan to fund their education through federal loans should complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). DePaul's Financial Aid Office will create a financial aid package based on your FAFSA information.​

Graduate Admission

The College of Communication offers five graduate programs at the master's level: Communication and Media, Digital Communication and Media Arts (Digital Communication track), Health Communication, Journalism, and Public Relations and Advertising.  


Full Degree-Seeking Status

The minimum requirements for this status are:

  • Bachelor’s degree conferred by a regionally accredited institution.
  • Scholastic achievement in undergraduate studies indicating a capacity to successfully pursue a specific program of graduate study.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
  • Submission of all required supporting credentials.
Conditional Degree-Seeking Status

The minimum requirements for this status are:

  • Bachelor’s degree conferred by a regionally accredited institution.
  • Scholastic achievement in undergraduate studies indicating a capacity to successfully pursue a specific program of graduate study.
  • Submission of all required supporting credentials.
  • Conditional approval by the department or graduate program director of the applicants proposed program of graduate study.
  • Academic conditions as designated in the conditional admission letter.
  • No independent studies or non-program courses may be taken while in a conditional status.

A conditionally admitted applicant is eligible for reclassification to full, degree-seeking status when the conditions of his or her admission have been satisfied.

DePaul Students and Combined Degree Programs

Undergraduate students from any major at DePaul University are eligible to apply for admission in one of the five combined degree programs. Admission is conditional until the conferred bachelor's degree is posted on the DePaul transcript. The M.A. programs in Communication and Media, Digital Communication and Media Arts (Digital Communication track), Health Communication, Journalism, and Public Relations and Advertising offer an accelerated master’s degree that begins in an undergraduate’s senior year and may be completed in one subsequent year. Further information about these combined degree programs can be found within specific program descriptions in this Catalog and on the College website.

Admission Procedures

General Procedures

Procedures for admission to the graduate programs in the College of Communication are outlined below. For specific information about admission requirements and deadlines to each department or program, please consult the College of Communication website.

Application: You can apply online at: To request information about College of Communication graduate programs, please email​.

Supporting Credentials: We require official transcripts from all universities, colleges, and junior colleges you have attended. Please request that transcripts and other credentials be sent directly to the Office of Graduate Admission, College of Communication, 2400 N. Sheffield, Chicago, IL 60614-2215. We also accept official electronic transcripts sent to our office at We recommend that you request transcripts in sufficient time to meet the programs deadline.

The College of Communication graduate programs require additional supporting credentials before an application file is considered complete. Please consult the specific program listing on the College of Communication website to determine what additional materials are required for admission and the deadline by which applications and supporting materials should be submitted. International applicants should reference the additional admission requirements listed on our International Student Admission page on the College of Communication website.

Application Fee: You can pay the application fee online as part of the online  application or send a check or money order payable to DePaul University​. Consult the application instructions for specific information about amount of the fee. If paying by check or money order, send it along with your supporting credentials to the Office of Graduate Admission, 2400 N. Sheffield, Chicago, IL 60614-2215. Applications submitted without an application fee will not be processed. The fee is non-refundable.

Application Deadline and Entry Terms: Consult the College website for program-specific information about application deadlines and to which academic terms the program admits new students. Our office accepts and reviews applications on a rolling basis.

Admission Decisions: The graduate admission office will notify you of your admission decision by letter typically within 4-6 weeks of your application being complete. Admission applications will be reviewed only after the application and all supporting credentials, along with the application fee, have been submitted.

Deferring Admission: If you do not enroll in the term to which you were admitted, you may request that your admission be deferred for up to one year after the term to which you were admitted. After one year, you must reapply to the program. Email to request a deferral.

International Student Admission 

Students who require a student visa (I-20) in order to study at DePaul must meet all admission requirements and demonstrate adequate financial support. Applicants educated in a country in which the native language is not officially recognized as English must also submit proof of English proficiency. College of Communication programs require a minimum TOEFL score of 590 (paper-based), 243 (computer-based), or 96 with no individual score less than 22 (internet-based). DePaul also accepts the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with a minimum score of 7.5. English proficiency scores below these minimum scores may be considered for some programs. For more information on conditional admission, please visit the College of Communication website. 

The letter of admission and I-20 are issued only after admission. International students are encouraged to complete their applications at least one month prior to any published program deadline, or no later than three months before the start of the term, whichever date comes first.

Special Programs

14 East

14 East is DePaul's topical, student-produced online magazine. With an emphasis on data and multimedia in their reporting, 14 East covers everything from politics to literature to culture. At 14 East, readers can find unique perspectives on issues that impact the lives of young adults in Chicago. 14 East publishes stories every Friday during the academic year. Since launching in 2016, they have published over 500 stories. Check out their work at or sign up for their weekly newsletter

Pueblo, the new bilingual section of 14 East, is a space for Latinx journalists to share their work with the Latinx community at DePaul and across Chicago. Pueblo features poetry, art, news reporting and political commentary.

Amy Merrick serves as the faculty advisor for 14 East.

The Ad Society

The Ad Society brings together students who share a passion for great advertising and communication solutions. We expose DePaul students to the latest developments and trends in the ad industry through a mix of real world creative projects, guest speakers and industry presentations, networking and career information sessions, visits to local ad agencies, and social events. The Ad Society club can be found online at

DePaul University Association of Black Journalists (DUABJ)

The mission of DePaul University Association of Black Journalists (DUABJ) is to equip African American journalists and communications majors with professional career skills. At DUABJ our members connect and create meaningful relationships with journalism students, media-related students and working professionals. Our goal is to motivate African American journalists and communicators to pursue a career in the various fields of journalism and media production. We advocate for diverse newsrooms, production companies and diverse stories, with African Americans and other people of color in executive, management, production and reporting positions across all forms of media. We host events that not only educate us as journalists but also enlighten us on what it's like to work in the industry as a person of color. Our events include resume building and headshot workshops, networking and social events, and a racial bias in the media discussion with NABJ Chicago.

Good Day DePaul (GDD)

Good Day DePaul is an award-winning, student-produced news show that caters to DePaul students and other college-aged students. The program airs weekly and features DePaul news and current events. Students produce, direct, and anchor the program, as well as conduct in-studio and field interviews. Journalism instructor Rick Brown serves as the faculty advisor for Good Day DePaul. The Good Day DePaul studio is located on the Loop Campus in the DePaul Center, Room C106D (concourse level).

Graduate Communication Association (GCA)

The Graduate Communication Association is a student-led, student-run organization with a primary goal to create community, relationships and camaraderie among students in the seven graduate programs in the College of Communication. We serve as a resource for students, faculty, staff and administration by offering a space to better meet the needs of the graduate students of DePaul University. We also provide students the opportunity to get involved in networking and social events, as well as philanthropic service hours.

Internship Program

The College offers an undergraduate internship program through which majors and minors can earn academic credit and gain practical experience in a professional setting.  Students may be enrolled in CMN 394 and/or CMN 395 (topics vary), only after meeting college-established eligibility requirements.  An individual student may participate in several internship experiences.  A maximum of 16 quarter hours of internship and practicum credit can be applied to degree requirements.  CMN 394 may be used to fulfill the Experiential Learning Requirement in the Liberal Studies Program and/or as a major field requirement. If a second internship is taken, CMN 395 may count as a communication elective. A maximum of two graded internships can be used toward the major field requirements.  Subsequent hours of internship credit are taken through different CMN 395 special topics courses and fulfill unrestricted electives. Communication minors may have one graded internship count towards completion of the minor.

Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta (LPH) is the National Communication Association’s official honor society at four-year colleges and universities. As an accredited member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS), Lambda Pi Eta has active chapters at four-year colleges and universities worldwide. LPH represents what Aristotle described in The Rhetoric as three ingredients of persuasion: logos (Lambda), meaning logic; pathos (Pi), relating to emotion; and ethos (Eta), defined as character credibility and ethics. Lambda Pi Eta recognizes, fosters, and rewards outstanding scholastic achievement while stimulating interest in the communication discipline.

National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ)

NAHJ DePaul is the student chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists at DePaul University. NAHJ was founded to support, connect and recognize Hispanic and Latino journalists across the globe. The DePaul chapter connects members to leaders in the industry, helps them prepare for internships and jobs, hosts speakers, coordinates cultural events and provides a support network for student journalists.

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

For students interested in a career in public relations, participating in PRSSA is an essential cornerstone of your DePaul experience.  The organization hosts a vibrant schedule of activities such as visits to Chicago public relations agencies and career fairs that will build your professional network and put you on the radar screens of future employers.  The DePaul Chapter has won national recognition including the Teahan Award for Outstanding Regional Conference, the highest honor a PRSSA Chapter may earn.  DePaul’s Regional Conferences have been sold-out events that have drawn students from campuses across the Midwest with such powerful themes such as Transforming Traditional Into Digital: The New Ways of PR; The Entertainment Industry: It’s Not Just an LA Thing; and PR: The Chicago Way.

Radio DePaul

Radio DePaul is DePaul University's award-winning student radio station, most recently having been named Best Online College Station in 2017. The station was a finalist for 28 national and state college radio awards in 2015, winning 12. Overall, Radio DePaul has been a finalist for over 100 national and state college radio awards since 2010.

Radio DePaul Sports is is the student voice of the DePaul Blue Demons, providing play-by-play of DePaul basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball. Radio DePaul Sports broadcasts from a brand new studio on DePaul's Loop campus, located on the first floor of the DePaul Center building.

In 2015, the station launched “The Radio DePaul Podcast”. The weekly podcast typically revolves around a theme and features new and repurposed content from Radio DePaul’s live shows. The podcast was honored with a College Media Advisers Pinnacle Award for Best Podcast in the fall of 2015. In the Fall of 2016, the Radio DePaul news team launched the “ICYMI” podcast, a weekly wrap-up of top headlines and stories from the station’s “Pocket News” reports at noon and 5 PM (Monday-Friday).

Both channels are located on DePaul’s Lincoln Park campus. The channels are best enjoyed via The Radio DePaul App, which is available for free in the respective app stores. Students can apply to join either or both channels at Scott Vyverman serves as Radio DePaul's faculty advisor. 

Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)/Online News Association (ONA)

This is a student-run organization for students interested in careers in journalism. The DePaul chapter sponsors campus speakers, career information sessions, and journalism seminars/conferences. Student members are eligible to apply for SPJ and ONA - sponsored internships and student competitions.

The DePaulia

The DePaulia is the award-winning newspaper produced by students at DePaul University. The paper publishes every Monday during the school year; its sister website,, also publishes Mondays and updates regularly to report on breaking news.

The paper is divided into six sections — News, Nation/World, Opinions, Focus, Arts/Life, La DePaulia, and Sports. In addition to coverage of the university, the staff covers news of the Lincoln Park and South Loop communities. Sports stories can be as diverse as covering an athlete’s accomplishment to writing about what a decline in basketball ticket sales means to the athletic program. Features can range from where to get the best deals on groceries to how to look fashionable in the winter. Arts and Life and Weekend Edition stories cover anything in the City of Chicago that can be of interest to the student population.

Writing and editing positions are open to all students; one does not need to be a journalism major to work on The DePaulia. In fact, many of our award-winning stories last year were produced by non-journalism majors. Many journalism teachers will take good work produced in their class and submit it to The DePaulia editors for consideration. Also, the Writing for The DePaulia (JOUR 390) course is open to all students who have taken Introduction to Journalism (JOUR 275), and News Reporting (JOUR 278) and regularly funnels stories, photos and video to the paper. Marla Krause serves as the faculty advisor for The DePaulia.

Zeta Phi Eta

Zeta Phi Eta is a professional co-ed fraternity with chapters at universities across the nation. ZPE gives students an opportunity to enhance their skills in communication through active participation in professional development workshops and networking events. Members participate in a wide range of events hosted by the fraternity, including guest speaker presentations, community service and social events to build community.