Arts and Ideas (AI)


AI 167 | DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY | 2 quarter hours


Students learn in this course to take artistic digital photos. They will analyze photos they have taken prior to the course and discuss if they fulfill criteria to be seen as art. Several theories of artistic expression will be discussed. Rules of composition, light, exposure, colors, etc. will be reflected upon. In a second step the students will develop the competence to alter their digital photos with a program like "Photoshop Elements". They will be able to change the expression of their photos and combine different shots, creating their personal piece of art. As a final product, students will create a portfolio with about 5 photos including detailed descriptions of their work. (2-4 quarter hours)



Making poems will be a creative writing offering that teaches metrics and verse forms, poetry the old-fashioned way. Topics will include metric feet, rhyme, lines, and verse forms. For example, students will learn about the iambic foot, write some iambic lines of various lengths, and finally use the iambic line to write a sonnet. Rap poetry with its structured rhythms and elaborate rhyming is another possibility. This "formalist" approach promotes a kind of creativity that is strongly infused with craft and discipline in contrast to the "spoken word" or confessional approaches to making poems. This class involves making audio recordings of your poems; students will be required to purchase a headset/microphone and download and install free software. (2-4 quarter hours)