Decision Analytics (DA)


DA 200 | DATA ANALYTICS | 4 quarter hours


This course is designed as an introduction to fundamental techniques of data analytics and the various fields, such as various business and decision sciences (accountancy, economics, finance, marketing, management, operations, and healthcare), which use data to gain insights and make informed decisions. In this course students will learn various analytical tools and demonstrate their ability to execute, understand, present, and discuss analytical results. Thus, building a strong foundation in supporting data-driven decision making in various fields of interest. Major topics include the applications of logical and financial functions; data visualization and manipulation, and what-if analysis. (4 credit hours)



This course introduces students to the key concepts in the field of Management Information Systems (MIS) and enhances understanding of the issues that business organizations face when developing and managing information systems. In this course, students will be presented with a broad overview of the field to first examine the increasing impact of information technology in business organizations, and second, in preparation for more advanced courses in data analytics and information systems. Specifically, the three major topics covered include (1) e-businesses and networks, (2) databases, as well as (3) enterprise resource planning (ERP) and process models. These topics are designed to prepare students for further inquiry on web analytics, data mining, project management, supply chain management, as well as business in general. By completing the course, students should be better equipped to apply IT skills to solve business problems, to participate in IT projects, and to communicate more knowledgeably with IT professionals. (4 quarter hours)