The combined Bachelor's + Master's degree programs allow students to complete 12 graduate credit hours while still undergraduates.
These 12 graduate credit hours will count toward both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
DePaul Undergraduate Degree + Health Informatics (MS)
The Health Informatics (MS) combined degree program is open to all undergraduate majors across the university.
Students who are interested in this program and meet the following criteria
- Sophomore status (at least 44 quarter hours earned)
- Minimum of 12 quarter hours earned at DePaul
- GPA of 3.3 or higher in courses taken at DePaul
Full admission to the designated master’s program requires meeting admission requirements for that program
Faculty endorsement from a CDM full-time faculty member
Student should discuss their interest in this combined degree program with a CDM Health Informatics faculty advisor prior to submitting the application for admission.
If accepted, a student can take up to three graduate courses (12 credits). These three courses count towards both the bachelor’s program and the Master of Science degree. Students will pay the current undergraduate tuition rate for these three courses.
Maintaining Good Standing
- Cumulative GPA and course grades will be reviewed after each Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarter
- The student and Faculty Advisor will be notified when the student's cumulative GPA falls below 3.3 or when the students receives less than a C- in graduate level course
- If a student's cumulative GPA falls below 3.3, the student must earn a term GPA of 3.3 or above in the following quarter to stay in good standing. If the student does not achieve a 3.3 term GPA, then the student will be dismissed from the combined program and resume the traditional BA/BS.
- Graduate courses passed before dismissal will not be counted and may not be retaken. If the student pursues graduate study, other graduate courses must be substituted. To apply to a CDM graduate degree program, following dismissal from the combined degree, students must follow regular CDM Admission procedures, and will be required take 13 new graduate courses to earn a master's degree.
Designing a Course of Study
It is extremely important that the student and faculty advisor work together on a course of study immediately upon admission to the Combined Degree Program.
This course of study may include which undergraduate classes to avoid taking in order to take the graduate version. Failure to put together a solid plan can lead to extra coursework and a lengthening of the Combined Degree program.
Registering for Master's Degree Courses
The student's advisor must complete the BS/MS Request form, under the Faculty tab on the CDM Intranet, to request the student’s enrollment in the three graduate courses. The form will require the following data: student's full name, graduate course and section, and the undergraduate course to be substituted for. The CDM dean’s office will process the enrollment.
Bachelor's Degree to Master's Degree Transition
In order to be fully admitted to the designated master's program, the student must meet all admission requirements for that program. Learn more about master's degree admission requirements. Students will follow the master's degree program requirements for the term they are admitted to the master's degree program.
Double Demon Scholarship
The Double Demon scholarship, offered exclusively to DePaul alumni, covers 25 percent of the tuition for a master’s degree or select certificate programs. Combined degree program students are eligible.
Alumni from any of DePaul’s colleges who are admitted into a graduate degree program from one of these programs automatically qualify for the Double Demon Scholarship. This scholarship is available for new part-time or full-time students who began a master’s degree in CDM in winter 2012-2013 or later and the other colleges beginning in winter 2013-2014. It cannot be applied retroactively.
There is no limit to the amount of courses that can be taken by eligible students. However, students may not take more than four courses in any quarter without permission from the college. The scholarship cannot be applied to cover fees or other non-tuition costs.