Applied Professional Studies (AP)




This four-credit hour graduate course provides participants with a solid foundation on which to build a professional future. Participants will hone and apply advanced skills in collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing literature and resources in their respective area(s) of practice as they conduct thorough career mapping and research into the current state and future of their professional field. The combination of career field research and articulation of key aspects of professional identity allow students to prepare for their graduate school journey knowing it will provide solid foundation of key topics, debates, and emerging issues in their professional area. Students will also become familiar with the requirements of their track: Educating Adults; Organizational Leadership; Social Change, or Custom Track. Each student will have access to a Track Champion and an Academic Advisor throughout the course of their studies.



This seminar explores the aims of graduate education in relation to each student's focused program of study. In furthering the foundation for the Master of Arts degree in Applied Professional Studies, primary emphasis is placed on: a) enhancing facility with graduate level learning in the service of goals for personal/professional development; b) identifying paths and learning modalities available to in SCPS MAAPS; and c) selecting and developing a fitting focus area, to be expressed in a working draft of a detailed learning plan. To create the MAAPS learning plan, students build on their knowledge of content, standards, and issues in their field of professional study (Focus Area) and consider how Elements of Better Practice will impact their professional work. Structured track students will be introduced to the requirements of their track and all students will set up an Academic Committee that consists of the student Chairperson, the Faculty Mentor, and a Professional Advisor (an experienced professional in the student's Focus Area).

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 502 | LEARNING PLAN REVIEW | 2 quarter hours


Through this review process, students finalize their Graduate Learning Plans, convene their Academic Committees (comprised of themselves, their Professional Advisors, and their Faculty Mentors) to review their Learning Plans, and eventually submit their Learning Plans to the Graduate Student Program Review Committee (GSPRC) for final approval. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.



This four-credit hour graduate course provides participants with a sound foundation on which to build a professional future. Participants will hone and apply advanced skills in collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing literature and resources in their respective area(s) of practice as they conduct thorough career mapping and research into the current state and future of their professional field. The course provides opportunities for meaningful self, career, and values assessment and reflection on aspects of one's evolving professional identity. The combination of career field research and articulation of key aspects of professional identity culminated in the major deliverable in this course, the five-part Professional Portfolio: a planning document students will use in the creation of their MAAPS Learning Plan in AP 501 and one which they will expand and update throughout their graduate careers.



This MAAPS/MSAT foundational course provides participants with skills in collecting, analyzing and synthesizing literature and resources in their respective area(s) of practice. Among these skills are: searching and accessing various sources; discerning credibility of sources; storing and retrieving information for oneself; constructing thematic literature reviews; and, citing sources using APA style. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS or MSAT student is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 506 | WRITING FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS | 4 quarter hours


This course provides students with the strategies they need to successfully meet the expectations of graduate-level academic writing. With a focus on genre, conventions, style, and mechanics, students will advance beyond undergraduate-level research writing to deepen their understanding of scholarly writing and strengthen the critical reading, research, writing, and revision skills necessary to meet the rigors of graduate level writing. Students will learn how to effectively contribute to the conversation in their discipline. To demonstrate their learning, students will design a research plan for a topic of their choice and write a scholarly article complete with literature review and abstract.

AP 508 | APPLYING SYSTEMATIC INQUIRY | 4 quarter hours


Through this seminar, participants explore the design and implementation process for engaging systematic inquiry in professional practice. Given the focus on qualitative inquiry, emphasis is placed on developing interest-based questions; aligning questions to data-collection sources and methods; selecting design methodologies; and creating a systematic plan for an applied area of inquiry.

AP 510 | MAIN THEORIES AND IDEAS | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students address knowledge and understanding of theories, models and/or theoretical frameworks, including implications for practice relevant to their individualized areas of focus. In areas where theories are not well established (e.g., in emerging fields of study or in unique combinations of fields), this area includes exploration of theories in related fields. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 520 | METHODS OF RESEARCH | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students address the systematic gathering of data and interpretation of findings as practiced within their areas of focus or related fields. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 528 | ASSESSMENT AND INTEGRATION 1 | 0.5 quarter hours


Scheduled at intervals across the MAAPS Program, Assessment and Integration Sessions provide opportunity for students to meet with their faculty mentors for purposes of ongoing assessment and integration regarding all aspects of the program. (.5 quarter hour)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 530 | SPECIALIZED SKILLS | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify, develop and demonstrate skills that are particular to their areas of focus and the context(s) in which these skills are applied. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 540 | COMMUNICATION MODES | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify, develop and demonstrate facility with communication modes relevant to their areas of focus. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.



Scheduled at intervals across the MAAPS Program, Assessment and Integration Sessions provide opportunity for students to meet with their faculty mentors for purposes of ongoing assessment and integration regarding all aspects of the program. (.5 quarter hour)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.



Through this competence area, students address the human and structural issues relevant to professional practice in their areas of focus. This includes exploration regarding how professional practice per area of focus is affected by systems, technology, structure and other people. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.



Scheduled at intervals across the MAAPS Program, Assessment and Integration Sessions provide opportunity for students to meet with their faculty mentors for purposes of ongoing assessment and integration regarding all aspects of the program. (.5 quarter hour)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.



Through this competence area, students address the ability to situate their areas of focus (including their issues and problems) within one of the following contexts: the temporal context (historical development and future direction of the area of focus); the social/cultural context (relationship of the area of focus to its societal context); or, the international context (the state of the area of focus globally). (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 570 | ETHICAL ISSUES | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students address the relationship between beliefs and assumptions regarding humanity, good/evil, right/wrong, etc., and behavioral outcomes (including areas of conflict) relevant to their areas of focus. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 574 | REFLECTION IN/ON PRACTICE | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students address the interplay between thinking, doing and reflecting in order to generate new ways of mentally organizing ideas and identifying new possibilities to inform future practice their areas of focus. (2 quarter hours) Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.



Scheduled at intervals across the MAAPS Program, Assessment and Integration Sessions provide opportunity for students to meet with their faculty mentors for purposes of ongoing assessment and integration regarding all aspects of the program.

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 584 | SUPPLEMENTAL COMPETENCE I | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify an additional area from among Theories, Research Methods, Specialized Skills, Communication Modes, Organizational/Interpersonal Dynamics, Larger Contexts, Ethical Issues and Reflection in/on Practice regarding which to develop and demonstrate competence. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 585 | SUPPLEMENTAL COMPETENCE II | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify an additional area from among Theories, Research Methods, Specialized Skills, Communication Modes, Organizational/Interpersonal Dynamics, Larger Contexts, Ethical Issues and Reflection in/on Practice regarding which to develop and demonstrate competence. (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 586 | SUPPLEMENTAL COMPETENCE III | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify an additional area from among Theories, Research Methods, Specialized Skills, Communication Modes, Organizational/Interpersonal Dynamics, Larger Contexts, Ethical Issues and Reflection in/on Practice regarding which to develop and demonstrate competence. (AP-586, AP-587, AP-588 and AP-589 collectively serve as a culmination option for the MAAPS degree.) (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 587 | SUPPLEMENTAL COMPETENCE IV | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify an additional area from among Theories, Research Methods, Specialized Skills, Communication Modes, Organizational/Interpersonal Dynamics, Larger Contexts, Ethical Issues and Reflection in/on Practice regarding which to develop and demonstrate competence. (AP-586, AP-587, AP-588 and AP-589 collectively serve as a culmination option for the MAAPS degree.) (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 588 | SUPPLEMENTAL COMPETENCE V | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify an additional area from among Theories, Research Methods, Specialized Skills, Communication Modes, Organizational/Interpersonal Dynamics, Larger Contexts, Ethical Issues and Reflection in/on Practice regarding which to develop and demonstrate competence. (AP-586, AP-587, AP-588 and AP-589 collectively serve as a culmination option for the MAAPS degree.) (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 589 | SUPPLEMENTAL COMPETENCE VI | 2 quarter hours


Through this competence area, students identify an additional area from among Theories, Research Methods, Specialized Skills, Communication Modes, Organizational/Interpersonal Dynamics, Larger Contexts, Ethical Issues and Reflection in/on Practice regarding which to develop and demonstrate competence. (AP-586, AP-587, AP-588 and AP-589 collectively serve as a culmination option for the MAAPS degree.) (2 quarter hours)

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.



As an option to the Integrating Project, student may elect to develop and demonstrate an additional four areas of professional competence from among Theories, Research, Skills, Communication Modes, Organizational/Interpersonal Dynamics, Larger Contexts, Ethical Issues, and Reflection on Practice. (1 quarter hour)



In this course, students will conduct a thorough review of the degree programs at around mid-point. During this evaluation they will reflect on the progress of their graduate degrees programs and how well the parts of their degrees are fitting together to enhance their developing professional stature. Student will take stock, both individually and in peer groups, on the evolution of their graduate work and will consider, with committee guidance, any changes to their Learning Plans that may be called for. Advisable. They will also make a final determination of what culmination options is best for them. In the context of this mid-program assessment, students will also explore how they can begin to tackle unconscious bias, foster an inclusive environment, and create a more diverse workforce. Equity within race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ability and gender will be content to be explored in AP 591. Students will consider how concepts of diversity impact their learning plan and program culmination work (Graduate Capstone Project or supplemental competences) as they assess their overall progress and goals within the MAAPS program.

Status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.

AP 592 | GRADUATE CAPSTONE PROJECT | 4 quarter hours


In fulfillment of the approved Integrating Project Proposal (AP-591), students develop and submit an original, independently-conducted project that provides a significant contribution to their areas of focus. Such projects incorporate elements of theory and practice and demonstrate integration of liberal learning and focus area competencies from across the MAAPS Program. (AP-591 and AP-592 serve as a culmination option for the MAAPS degree.)

AP 506 and AP 508 (Formerly LLS 410d and LLS 450b) and status as a MAAPS student or departmental permission is a prerequisite for this class.