In DePaul's French program, students will study French language, literature and culture of the French-speaking world. Because French is a major world language with more than 200 million speakers in more than 50 countries, having the ability to communicate in French will provide students with many career opportunities around the world.
Courses in the French major will cover a variety of topics, including:
- Business
- Cinema
- Civilization
- Communication
- Grammar
- Historical literary periods
- Phonology and phonetics
- Translation
For students interested in pursuing careers in education, the French program partners with the College of Education to award teaching degrees at the middle school and high school levels.
As French majors, students are encouraged to participate in one of DePaul's study abroad programs in order to grow linguistically and expand their cultural understanding of French-speaking societies. DePaul sponsors a study abroad program in Paris at Alliance Française/CEA where students can both study and secure an internship. It also has an exchange program with Sciences Po, an elite institution in the social sciences.
Chicago is a culturally diverse city, providing many opportunities to attend French lectures and festivals, dine out at French restaurants and see the work of French and francophone artists.
Program Requirements | Quarter Hours |
Liberal Studies Requirements | 84 |
Major Requirements | 48 |
Open Electives | 60 |
Total hours required | 192 |
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
- Communicate in French at the Advanced Low proficiency level.
- Analyze cultural products in French and English.
- Explain features of French and its use.
- Navigate cultural differences effectively.
- Apply their language and cross-cultural skills to other domains.
College Core Requirements
Study in the Major Field
The student’s course of study in the College consists of three parts: Liberal Studies, the major field, and electives. Together these three parts contribute to the liberal education of the student which is the common purpose of all study in the College. By “liberal education” the College understands not only a deep and thorough knowledge of a particular area of study but a knowledge of the diverse areas of study represented by criticism, history, the arts, the behavioral and social sciences, philosophy, religious studies, the natural science, and mathematics.
The major field program generally is built upon a set of core courses and a specialized “concentration.” The number of courses required for a major varies by department. Most students go beyond the minimum requirements, electing additional courses which both broaden and deepen their understanding of their chosen discipline.
Because no academic major program is built in isolation, students are required to pursue a number of electives of the student’s choice. The inherent flexibility of this curriculum demands that the student consult an academic advisor at each stage in the total program and at least once prior to each registration.
Students will be prompted to visit the College Office for their official graduation check early in their senior year.
Declaration of Major, Minor and Concentration
All students in the College are required to declare a major field prior to beginning their junior year. The student will then be assigned a faculty advisor in the major field department or program and should make an appointment to see that advisor at his or her earliest convenience.
Students must declare or change majors, minors, and concentrations, via Campus Connection. However, for the purpose of exploring the possibility of changing a major field, the student should consult an academic advisor in the Office for Academic Advising Support.
The Modern Language Requirement (MLR)
All students will be required to demonstrate competence in a modern language (i.e., a language other than English) equivalent to the proficiency attained from one year of college-level language study. This Modern Language Requirement (MLR) may be demonstrated by:
- placing into 104 or above on the DePaul language placement exam
- completing the last course or earning AP/IB credit for the last course in the first-year college sequence of any language (e.g. 103 for DePaul language classes)
- completing a college course or earning AP/IB credit for a college course beyond the first-year level in any language (e.g. 104 or above for DePaul language classes)
- completing the final course of a four-year sequence of the same modern language in high school*
- completing a proctored exam by BYU and passing the exam (see the Department of Modern Languages website for registration details)
- completing a proctored Written Proficiency Test (WPT) by Language Testing International (LTI) and achieving a score of Beginner High or above (see the Department of Modern Languages website for registration details)
*Students are strongly encouraged to take the DePaul language placement exam even if they have met the MLR via study of a language in high school. This will ensure continuation of language study at the proper level.
Please note: Modern Languages courses with an E-designation are taught in English and may not be applied to the Modern Language Requirement.
Students who complete an Inter-College Transfer (ICT) to the College will abide by the MLR in place on the effective date of the ICT, regardless of when they first matriculated at DePaul.
Students who have met the MLR and wish to pursue further work in the language may elect the “Modern Language Option” (see below).
The Modern Language Option (MLO)
The Modern Language Option is available to all BA students who wish to study a modern language beyond the level required by their College, and to all other undergraduate students without a modern language requirement who wish to study a language at any level.
Students selecting the MLO may substitute a sequence of three courses in the same language for three domain courses.
The three MLO substitutions must be made in three different domains, and any substitutions must be consistent with the principle that students complete at least one course in each learning domain.
MLO substitutions may not be used to replace requirements in the Math & Computing, and Scientific Inquiry, domains.
Students majoring in one modern language may use the Modern Language Option for study of a second language at the Intermediate level or above.
Modern Languages courses with an E-designation are taught in English and may not be applied to the Modern Language Option.
NOTE: Please contact your college/school regarding additional information and restrictions about the Modern Language Option.
External Credit and Residency
A student who has been admitted to the College begins residency within the college as of the first day of classes of the term in which the student is registered. Students in residence, whether attending on a full-time or part-time basis, may not take courses away from DePaul University without the written permission of the college. Permission must be obtained in advance of registration to avoid loss of credit or residency in the college; see the LAS website for more information.
Liberal Studies Requirements
Honors program requirements can be found in the individual Colleges & Schools section of the University Catalog. Select the appropriate college or school, followed by Undergraduate Academics and scroll down.
First Year Program | Hours | |
Chicago Quarter | ||
Focal Point | ||
Writing | ||
Quantitative Reasoning | ||
Sophomore Year | ||
Race, Power, and Resistance | ||
Junior Year | ||
Experiential Learning | ||
Required | 4 | |
Senior Year | ||
Capstone | ||
Required 1 | 4 |
- 1
Students must earn a C- or better in this course.
- 2
Readiness for MAT 120 is determined by the math placement test taken online after admission. Students may need to take developmental coursework prior to MAT 120. Students who complete MAT 120 and both a Computational Reasoning course and a Statistical Reasoning course in the Math and Computing Learning Domain take one less Learning Domain course. Students may not apply the course reduction to any Domain where only one course is required, and cannot be applied to the Scientific Inquiry Learning Domain. The MAT 120 requirement may be waived by passing a dedicated proficiency exam or it may be fulfilled by credit for advanced math coursework earned in-residence at DePaul (MAT 135, MAT 136, MAT 147, MAT 148, MAT 149, MAT 150, MAT 151, MAT 152 MAT 155, MAT 156, MAT 160, MAT 161, MAT 162 MAT 170, MAT 171, MAT 172, or equivalent) or earned externally either as transfer credit from another college/university or as test credit through AP, CLEP, IB, or International A and A/S Level exams. Calculus course(s) may be used to fulfill any of the three QR/MCD requirements.
Learning Domains
Arts and Literature (AL)
- 1 Course Required
Historical Inquiry (HI)
- 2 Courses Required
Math and Computing (MC)
- 2 Courses Required
[1 CR Course and 1 SR Course]
Philosophical Inquiry (PI)
- 2 Courses Required
Religious Dimensions (RD)
- 2 Courses Required
Scientific Inquiry (SI)
- 2 Courses Required
[1 Lab Course and 1 SWK Course]
Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Inquiry (SCBI)
- 3 Courses Required
A student whose only major is in Modern Languages is required to complete the Capstone offered by the Department of Modern Languages (MOL). A student who is double majoring (or pursuing dual degrees) with the primary major (or primary degree) in MOL may substitute the Capstone of the secondary major or degree. An MOL major in the University Honors Program shall take only the University Honors Capstone, not both the Honors Capstone and the MOL Capstone.
Courses offered in the student's primary major cannot be taken to fulfill LSP Domain requirements. If students double major, LSP Domain courses may double count for both LSP credit and the second major. Students who choose to take an experiential learning course offered by the major may count it either as a general elective or the Experiential Learning requirement.
In meeting learning domain requirements, no more than one course that is outside the student’s major and is cross-listed with a course within the student’s major, can be applied to count for LSP domain credit. This policy does not apply to those who are pursuing a double major or earning BFA or BM degrees.
Major Requirements
Course Requirements
Course | Title | Quarter Hours |
Select three additional 300-level FCH courses | 12 | |
Concentration Requirements* | 16 | |
Total Hours | 48 |
*Students must complete 16 credit hours of requirements from one of the following three concentrations: Language and Literature, Commercial French, or Translation and Interpreting. Students who begin their study of French at DePaul with FCH 202 or higher may substitute a 300-level French elective course for any of the required 200-level courses.
Open Electives
Open elective credit also is required to meet the minimum graduation requirement of 192 hours.
Study Abroad Requirements
Year-Long Program
Students on a year-long study abroad program would most likely complete 10 courses, 5 of which may be applied to their French Major or Minor provided the courses are at the B1 level or higher for FCH 200 level credit and B2 level for FCH 300 level credit. The remaining courses might fulfill various learning domains or other major/minor requirements. They could also potentially be counted as general electives. Note that the 5 French courses completed on a year-long program will most likely generate more than 5 courses worth of credit (30 vs. 20); the excess credits could be used toward the fulfillment of domain requirements, if possible, or applied to general electives, as appropriate.
Semester-Long Program
Students on semester-long study abroad program would most likely complete 5 courses, 3 of which may be applied to their French Major or Minor provided the courses are at the B1 level or higher for FCH 200 level credit. The remaining courses might fulfill various learning domains or other major/minor requirements. They could also potentially be counted as general electives. Note that the 3 French courses taken on a semester-long program will most likely generate more than 3 courses worth of credit (18 vs. 12); the excess credits could be used toward the fulfillment of domain requirements, if possible, or applied to general electives, as appropriate.