The BSN program is designed for the high-achieving high-school graduate who wants to become a registered nurse (RN). It provides the foundation for generalist nursing practice and eligibility for RN licensure by examination (NCLEX- RN).
Preparation and evaluation for licensure examination is integrated throughout the curriculum via ATI exams. A passing score is required for progression and graduation, increasing the likelihood that students will pass their state boards the first time.
The goal of the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Nursing (BSN) program is to prepare students for professional nursing practice as a generalist for competent care of individuals, families, and communities.
Graduates of the BSN program will:
- be able to integrate foundational liberal arts knowledge with evidence-based nursing concepts to provide contextually relevant and culturally appropriate care to clients, families, communities, and populations.
- apply leadership skills, healthcare informatics technologies, and intentional interdisciplinary collaboration within complex healthcare systems.
- demonstrate professional nursing practice standards based on legal and ethical principles and commitment to self-evaluation and lifelong learning.
- apply research, improvement science, and quality and safety frameworks to achieve equitable and socially just healthcare outcomes.
Program Requirements | Quarter Hours |
Liberal Studies Requirements | 72 |
Major Requirements | 116 |
Open Electives | 4 |
Total hours required | 192 |
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
- Be able to integrate foundational liberal arts knowledge with evidence-based nursing concepts to provide contextually relevant and culturally appropriate care to clients, families, communities, and populations.
- Apply leadership skills, healthcare informatics technologies, and intentional interdisciplinary collaboration within complex healthcare systems.
- Demonstrate professional nursing practice standards based on legal and ethical principles and commitment to self-evaluation and lifelong learning.
- Apply research, improvement science, and quality and safety frameworks to achieve equitable and socially just healthcare outcomes.
College Core Requirements
Modern Language Requirements
Students who intend to graduate with the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree will be required to demonstrate competence in a modern language equivalent to the proficiency attained from one year of college-level language study. Such competence may be demonstrated in one of several ways:
- completing the last course in the fourth-year high school sequence of any language
- completing the last course in the first-year college sequence of any language
- completing a college course beyond the first-year level in any language
- achieving a satisfactory score on any of the Modern Language placement examinations administered at DePaul
- achieving a satisfactory rating in a proficiency examination accepted by DePaul
- achieving a score of 3 or higher on the Advance Placement (AP) test for any language
- achieving a score of 5 or higher in the Language B assessment from a Standard or Higher Level International Baccalaureate (IB) program
- achieving a satisfactory score on the CLEP examination
Please note: Modern Languages courses with an E-designation are taught in English and may not be applied to the Modern Language Requirement.
For further information regarding satisfactory scores and possible credit from the DePaul placement, AP, CLEP, or IB examinations, please contact Student Records.
Students who complete an Inter-College Transfer (ICT) to the College of Science and Health will abide by the College of Science and Health Modern Language Requirement in place on the effective date of the ICT.
BA students who meet College requirements and wish to pursue further work in the language may elect the “Modern Language Option” of the Liberal Studies Program. While Bachelor of Science (BS) students are not required to demonstrate competency in a modern language, the “Modern Language Option” is available to them for language study at any level. Modern Languages courses with an E-designation are taught in English and may not be applied to the Modern Language Option.
Major Declaration Requirements
All students in the College are required to declare a major field prior to beginning their junior year. After researching College programs, the student should declare a major field by visiting Campus Connection and using the Declarations and Inter-College Transfer tool. The student will then be assigned a faculty advisor or staff advisor in the department or program and should make an appointment to see that advisor at his or her earliest convenience.
To change major fields, or to declare a minor or concentration, the student must use the Declarations and Inter-College Transfer tool described above. However, for the purpose of exploring the possibility of changing a major field, the student should consult an academic advisor in the College or an academic advisor in the Office for Academic Advising Support.
Liberal Studies Requirements
Honors program requirements can be found in the individual Colleges & Schools section of the University Catalog. Select the appropriate college or school, followed by Undergraduate Academics and scroll down.
First Year Program | Hours | |
Chicago Quarter | ||
Focal Point | ||
Not Required | ||
Writing | ||
Quantitative Reasoning | ||
Not Required | ||
Sophomore Year | ||
Race, Power, and Resistance | ||
Junior Year | ||
Experiential Learning | ||
Senior Year | ||
Capstone | ||
Learning Domains
Arts and Literature (AL)
- 2 Courses Required
Historical Inquiry (HI)
- 2 Courses Required
Math and Computing (MC)
- Not Required
Philosophical Inquiry (PI)
- 2 Courses Required
Religious Dimensions (RD)
2 Courses Required
Scientific Inquiry (SI)
- Not Required
Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Inquiry (SCBI)
- 2 Courses Required
Courses offered in the student's primary major cannot be taken to fulfill LSP Domain requirements. If students double major, LSP Domain courses may double count for both LSP credit and the second major. Students who choose to take an experiential learning course offered by the major may count it either as a general elective or the Experiential Learning requirement.
In meeting learning domain requirements, no more than one course that is outside the student’s major and is cross-listed with a course within the student’s major, can be applied to count for LSP domain credit. This policy does not apply to those who are pursuing a double major or earning BFA or BM degrees.
Students are advised to talk with their advisor before double majoring, because some major combinations are prohibited. No more than 50% of the credits that apply to one major may be drawn from another major.
Major Requirements
Course Requirements
Nursing Courses
Course | Title | Quarter Hours |
Science and Psychology Courses
Course | Title | Quarter Hours |
Student Handbook
A complete list of policies specific to the nursing programs of study is contained in the Student Handbook that is updated regularly on the website for the School of Nursing. The complete MENP handbook can be found here.
Mission of the DePaul University School of Nursing
The Mission of the School of Nursing is the preservation, enrichment, and transmission of nursing science as a discipline and its application to promote the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. The faculty pursues this mission through excellence in teaching as the primary focus of scholarship and research that has the potential to enhance nursing knowledge, scientific inquiry, teaching, and health. The School of Nursing maintains a commitment to serving persons with diverse talents, qualities, interests and socioeconomic backgrounds in its education programs and professional practice. It seeks to provide accelerated, inquiry-based education that anticipates the rapid pace of change in health promotion and illness care.
Philosophy of the DePaul University School of Nursing
Nursing is a learned profession with a distinct science and art. Students learn the practice of nursing through research and the study of diverse human and environmental patterns of health behavior as they affect individuals, families, and communities. Students incorporate scientific knowledge and the nursing process in their delivery of safe, ethical, and quality care with deep regard for the differences along the dimensions of race/ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, religion, heritage, and language.
The focus of the faculty of the School of Nursing is the education and preparation of students for leadership roles in healthcare. Education is centered on providing care for persons and communities in both health and illness while conducting scientific research to generate knowledge that strengthens these endeavors. Critical thinking is emphasized, along with an insightful examination of society, thus affording students the opportunity to apply the science and art of nursing to promote and maintain health while upholding human dignity for the betterment of the community and society.
In keeping with the Vincentian values of DePaul University, students treat all human beings equally and with respect, and by doing so, are acting in the interest of the common good. The School of Nursing faculty is committed to education that will provide the foundation for a professional career as a caregiver, educator, leader, servant, and scholar.
A professional level of nursing practice is best achieved through academic education in nursing and requires appropriate licensure through examination (NCLEX- RN). Advanced practice nursing education integrates specialization into the master’s degree curriculum or at the post-master’s level providing eligibility for professional certification as a nurse anesthetist; clinical specialist in community, acute or long-term care areas; nurse practitioner in primary care; or nursing scholarship in practice or the academy. The bachelor’s degree provides the foundation for post-graduate education in nursing science.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing/master's degree program in nursing/Doctor of Nursing Practice program and/or post-graduate APRN certificate program at DePaul University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).
Academic Integrity Policy
Violations of academic integrity in any form are detrimental to the values of DePaul, to the students' development as responsible members of society, and to the pursuit of knowledge and the transmission of ideas. Violations of academic integrity include but are not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, fabrications, falsification or sabotage of research data, falsification of clinical data, destruction or misuse of the University's academic resources, academic misconduct, and complicity. If an instructor finds that a student has violated the Academic Integrity Policy, the appropriate initial sanction is at the instructor's discretion. An instructor may choose to file an academic integrity violation with the University. Actions taken by the instructor do not preclude the School of Nursing, College of Science and Health or the University from taking further action, including dismissal from the University. Conduct that is punishable under the Academic Integrity Policy could result in criminal or civil prosecution. The full Academic Integrity Policy can be found at: https://offices.depaul.edu/academic-affairs/faculty-resources/academic-integrity/Pages/default.aspx
Academic Integrity Policy Extension for Clinical and Service Settings
DePaul University is committed to education that engages its students, faculty and staff in work within Chicago's institutions and communities. As DePaul representatives to our partner institutions and community organizations, we ask that you take seriously your responsibilities to these institutions during service, clinical experiences and internships. The community and its institutions are extensions of the DePaul classroom.
Program Summary
The BSN program is designed for the high-achieving high-school graduate who wants to become a registered nurse (RN). It provides the foundation for generalist nursing practice and eligibility for RN licensure by examination (NCLEX- RN). Preparation and evaluation for licensure examination is integrated throughout the curriculum via ATI exams. A passing score is required for progression and graduation, increasing the likelihood that students will pass their state boards the first time.
Admissions Policies
- Students must meet the minimum admissions requirements listed on the University website.
- The School of Nursing is committed to the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunity for all persons. Students are evaluated and admitted to the program without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or national origin.
- The School of Nursing is committed to providing equal access for all students with disabilities. Eligibility for services and accommodations is determined by the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD). Students with disabilities who wish to receive services and accommodations at DePaul University must have their disability on record with CSD.
- Applications are evaluated and students are selected for admission by the Admission, Progression, and Retention (APR) Committee based on their potential to successfully complete program objectives.
Procedure for Admission
- The application process follows the DePaul University Admissions for Undergraduate Students. Application materials are available online at the University website. All forms, recommendations, test scores, transcripts, personal essays, and fees are required to complete the application process. Incomplete applications may result in delayed or denied admission for the current term. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all parts of the applications are submitted in a timely fashion.
- The BSN program follows the university Transfer Credit Approval policy for undergraduate students. Students who wish to transfer credit should follow the submission guidelines stipulated in the university policy.
- Completed applications are reviewed by the School of Nursing. Applicants are notified of their acceptance or non-acceptance by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Qualified students are admitted on a space available basis.
- Applications are evaluated and students are selected for admission by the Admission, Progression, and Retention (APR) Committee based on their potential to successfully complete program objectives.
- Direct Admission requirements include:
- Cumulative high school unweighted GPA of 3.5 or above on a 4-point scale
- Grades of B or higher in high school biology and chemistry
- At least two years of high school mathematics through Algebra II (four years with pre-calculus or other math beyond Algebra II is preferred) with grades of B or higher.
- All official transcripts must be submitted.
- Testing is optional although students may submit ACT or SAT scores*
- Non-native English speakers must have a TOEFL score of 590 (PBT) or higher or 96 (iBT) or higher.
- Transfer into BSN Admission requirements include:
- Cumulative college GPA or 2.0 or above
- Good academic standing at the end of the winter quarter.
- Completion of BIO 191 (or above) and placement in or completion of WRD 103, both with a C+ or above.
- On track to complete all BSN pre-requisites by autumn of the second year (before beginning nursing courses in the winter quarter following admission)
- WRD 103 and WRD 104
- Math courses through (including by placement) MAT 130
- BIO 191
- CHE 130 and CHE 131
- HLTH 194
- PSY 303
- BIO 201 (autumn after admission)
- BIO 202 (autumn after admission)
- No more than two grades of C- or C in science pre-requisites
Retention Policies
The BSN curriculum includes nursing and non-nursing courses. Non-nursing courses are taken throughout the four-year curriculum and include science core, common core, and liberal studies coursework. Non-nursing courses are subject to DePaul progression and retention policies. Students must be in good standing with the school of nursing to progress into nursing courses sophomore year. Nursing courses are subject to the school of nursing retention and progression policies.
Non-Nursing Coursework
- Entering freshmen will begin as undergraduate students in the College of Science and Health. To remain in good standing with the School of Nursing and to progress into the BSN courses sophomore year, students must:
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or greater.
- Earn no more than 2 C-’s in science core coursework.
- Retake any courses with a grade of D+ or below. The student must earn a C or better in repeated coursework, to be considered for progression.
- Upon completion of the freshman year, the BSN students’ performance will be evaluated by the School of Nursing APR committee to determine eligibility to begin nursing courses. Any student with more than 2 grades of C- in science core courses, a GPA below 2.75, or a grade of D+ or below in liberal arts courses (that have not been retaken with a grade of at least a C-), will be subject to dismissal from the nursing major without the option for reinstatement. Students may continue with another major at DePaul if they remain in good standing with the university.
Nursing Coursework
- Beginning in sophomore year, students will enter nursing courses and will be advised primarily by the School of Nursing. Students must continue to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or greater to remain in good standing with the school of nursing. A student will be placed on academic probation if the GPA dips below 2.75. Students placed on probation must enroll in the School of Nursing Success Coaching Program. If the GPA is raised to at least 2.75 at the end of the next academic quarter, the student is no longer on probation. If the GPA has not risen to 2.75 at the end of the next academic quarter, the student will be eligible for dismissal from the program, but not from the university. The student may transfer to other majors as appropriate.
- Students earning a C or below in nursing courses, will be placed on academic probation. Grades below a C- in non-nursing courses or below a C+ for nursing courses, are not considered passing, as such the student must repeat the course and earn a C+ or better. If the student can earn grades in all courses that are C+ or above AND earn a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or greater in the next academic quarter, the student is no longer on probation. If this does not occur, the student will be dismissed from the program. The student will be considered “out of sequence” for nursing courses but may continue to take non-nursing courses at DePaul if the student remains in good academic standing according to the DePaul undergraduate handbook.
- A student may be placed on probation a maximum of two times during their program.
- In accordance with the nursing licensing regulations, students found to be convicted of a crime will be reviewed by the APR Committee and may be suspended or dismissed from the program. It is the student’s responsibility to disclose any arrests or convictions while enrolled in their program. Degree conferral from the University does not guarantee licensure eligibility in the event the student is convicted of a crime. It is the student’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of the licensure requirements for the state in which they intend to apply for RN licensure.
- The School of Nursing expects a respectful environment conducive to teaching and learning for all students, faculty, and staff. Inappropriate conduct is defined as any action that interferes with the creation and maintenance of an effective learning environment. Students are expected to display civility in all aspects of their educational experience at DePaul University and affiliated institutions.
- Appropriate student conduct is outlined in detail in the Professional Development Guidelines (Appendix B).
Students displaying inappropriate conduct may be asked to leave the classroom, clinical area, or meeting. Inappropriate conduct will be documented with written contract and placed in the student’s file. Such incidents of inappropriate conduct will then be reported to the Director of the School of Nursing, with copies sent to the Associate Director of the Program, and the APR Committee. Additional sanctions for inappropriate conduct may be imposed, including dismissal from the nursing program.
Progression Policies
- All students must attend an orientation session before beginning the BSN program.
- Each student is responsible for reading the Student Handbook. Students are responsible for signing and submitting the Student Handbook Agreement Statement (Appendix F) to affirm they have read and fully understand the policies therein.
- Students will be assigned a primary and secondary academic advisor, one from CSH and one from the SON. During the first year, BSN students will be primarily advised by their CSH advisor, and during the remainder of their program, they will be primarily advised by their SON faculty advisor.
- A student may not register for any course that has a prerequisite that has not been completed.
- Students may not attend classes for a class which they are not enrolled.
- Students are responsible for maintaining and updating all required records. See Clinical Guidelines for further information. Failure to have all records submitted and up to date at the beginning of each course will result in inability to attend the clinical component of the course.
- Leave of Absence:
- Students who need to interrupt their studies for personal, health or other reasons may request a leave of absence for up to one full year. The re-quest should be made to the Associate Director of the Program and the Coordinator of Clinical Placements, APR Committee and Director of School of Nursing should be notified. Depending on circumstances and estimated length of absence, the Associate Director or student’s academic advisor may recommend additional action to complete the request process.
- Students who wish to return to the program following a leave of absence will need to submit a written request for resuming coursework to the APR Committee. It is the student’s responsibility to send a copy of such request to the Director of the School of Nursing, the student’s faculty advisor, the Associate Director of the Program, and the Coordinator of Clinical Placements. This written request should demonstrate the resolution of the extenuating circumstances contributing to the original need to leave the De-Paul Nursing Program. This request for reinstatement must be made no less than 6 weeks prior to resuming the nursing course sequence. Students will be notified in writing regarding the decision concerning their re-entry to the program. Individual assessment of current knowledge and clinical skills will be made prior to placement of the student in the appropriate level within the nursing program. Students who become “out-of-sequence students” due to withdrawal, or military/medical/family leave of absence will be placed into a clinical rotation upon re-entry based upon space available and cannot be guaranteed placement in the next available clinical course needed. “Out-of-sequence students” cannot displace in-sequence students from a clinical spot.
- Students who have taken a leave of absence from the program for greater than 12 calendar months must re-apply to the University. Their application will then be considered with all other qualified applicants applying for admission to the nursing program.
- A student who withdraws from a core nursing course while in good standing can-not progress in the sequenced nursing curriculum until that course has been successfully completed. In courses that contain both a clinical practicum and a lecture component, both course segments must be completed simultaneously. Exceptions may be identified and defined by the APR Committee in consultation with both the Director of the School of Nursing or Associate Director of the Program and the course faculty.
- A student who withdraws from a core nursing course who is “not in good standing” (with a grade of “C” or lower or on probation) at the time of withdrawal, will be referred to the APR Committee. The APR Committee will review the student’s past and current performance and elicit recommendations from the course faculty. A representative of the APR Committee may then meet with the course faculty, Associate Director of the Program, and student, to counsel the student and to establish a contract for academic improvement. Such students may not progress in the sequenced nursing curriculum until the course has been retaken and successfully completed. In courses that contain both a clinical practicum and a didactic theory portion, both course segments must be completed simultaneously.
- A student may withdraw from a core nursing course “not in good standing”
- (with a grade of “C” or lower) only once during their program of study. A second such withdrawal will result in dismissal from the program.
- All out-of-sequence students will be placed in clinical on a space/faculty available basis. Scheduling priority will be given to students who are out of sequence for military service, illness, or family leave before students who are out of sequence for failure or withdrawal “not in good standing.”
- A student who has a grade of B- (83% or less) at mid-quarter may be placed on contract for academic improvement by the instructor. The student must satisfactorily fulfill all course and contract requirements by the end of the quarter of con-tract initiation in order to progress in the program.
- Failure to meet all of the agreed upon terms outlined in the student contract will result in the consequences identified in the contract which may include program dismissal.
- In accordance with DePaul University policy, students must complete their pro-gram within 6 years of matriculation.
Admission, Progression and Retention (APR) Committee
Enforcement of Retention Policies
The School of Nursing (SON) has designated the Admissions, Progression and Retention
(APR) Committee as the administrative body responsible for enforcing the Retention Policies listed in the School of Nursing Student Handbook. Please consult those policies directly for more specific information. The procedures of the APR Committee regarding Retention Policies are as follows:
- Instructors shall notify the APR Committee Chairperson (within one week of the end of the quarter) of a student who will be receiving a final grade in a course that is a C or lower. The APR Committee Chairperson will be responsible to initiate the academic action to be taken and to notify the student.
- Retention Policies may indicate that an academic action is taken, including: a) inability to receive credit for a course, b) probation, c) suspension from the program, or d) dismissal from the program. The APR Committee shall notify the student in writing of the chosen academic action. If the trigger for the academic action is academic performance, the APR Committee will notify the student in writing no later than two weeks after the end of the quarter in which the student received a final grade in any course(s) that has resulted in the academic action. If the trigger for the academic action is the conviction of a crime, the APR Committee will notify the student within two weeks of receiving notice of the conviction. If the trigger for the academic action is a claim of unsafe behavior in the clinical setting, or other student misconduct, APR Committee notification will occur no later than two weeks after the Director of the School of Nursing has communicated the decision to the student.
- If a student wishes to appeal a dismissal that the APR Committee has taken pursuant to the Retention Policies, the student must follow the Procedure for Appealing a Dismissal.
- Students who are reinstated following a dismissal must maintain a 2.75 GPA and individual course grades C+ or better to remain in the program. Students who earn a 2.75 GPA and a grade of C or below in nursing course work, will be dismissed from the program without the option for reinstatement.
Procedure for Appealing a Dismissal
Requests and Appeals Related to Academic Process
Students in the BSN Program who wish to apply for reinstatement after having been dismissed shall contact the APR Committee within 72 hours from their notification of dismissal. Their application for reinstatement should describe the nature of the circumstances leading to their dismissal and their corrective plan of action for future success in the BSN program. The APR Committee will review their application and decide to whether to reinstate.
- During the time the APR committee reviews the student’s application for reinstatement, the student shall remain responsible for any coursework/assignments/deadlines/compliance issues related to their classes in that quarter. Students under dismissal/reinstatement review will NOT be allowed to participate in any clinical activity where direct patient care is involved. In lieu of attending clinical, the student shall be offered an equivalent assignment at the discretion of the APR Chairperson and/or BSN Associate Director.
- In the event the student is reinstated, the student will be notified via e-mail of their reinstatement. The student shall henceforth be responsible for adhering to the conditions set forth by the APR Committee.
- In the event the APR Committee decides to deny reinstatement, the student shall be immediately removed from all class rosters and will no longer be allowed to attend any classes/clinical or any other related activity virtually or in-person. The student has the right to petition for reinstatement within a week of notification directly to the Director of the School of Nursing, who may decide to reinstate the student.
- In the event the Director of the School of Nursing denies reinstatement, the student shall be dismissed immediately. In the event the Director of the School of Nursing reinstates the student, they will be eligible to enroll in classes the following academic quarter. The student will be responsible for adhering to the conditions set forth by the Director of the School of Nursing. If the student fails to comply with the conditions set forth by the director of the school of nursing, the student will be eligible for immediate dismissal. The decision of the Director of the School of Nursing is final.
- Moreover, a student may only be reinstated once.
Grade Challenge
The APR does not handle grade challenges. Students wishing to challenge a grade are directed to the DePaul University Student Handbook and follow the steps outlined there. The steps are summarized below.
- The student must make an appointment to meet with the clinical instructor or course coordinator if the course involved is a clinical course, or course instructor for other courses.
- If not resolved, the student meets with the Associate Director of the BSN program.
- If not resolved, the student meets with the Director of the School of Nursing and must send all documentation regarding the challenge prior to the meeting.
- If not resolved, the student may submit a completed Grade Challenge Application to the Grade Challenge Review Board. The application can be found at: https://csh.depaul.edu/student-resources/Pages/General%20forms/grade-challenge-application.aspx. Additional information about grade challenges can be found in the DePaul University Undergraduate Student Handbook.
Grievance Procedure
The School of Nursing adheres to the guidelines and procedures of the DePaul University Student Handbook in matters regarding:
- Student rights
- Student responsibilities
- Policies regarding grade challenges
- Procedures for filing a grade challenge
- Disciplinary procedures and other related matters covered in the handbook
- The exception is that the School of Nursing requires filing of a grievance prior to the commencement of the next academic quarter
Transfer Credit
The BSN program follows the university Transfer Credit Approval policy for undergraduate students. Students who wish to transfer credit should follow the submission guidelines stipulated in the university policy.
School of Nursing Simulation Lab Mission Statement
The DePaul Simulation Lab (DSL) is committed to facilitating experiential learning opportunities for students. To promote a safe interactive learning environment that fosters collaboration, teamwork, and the synthesis of didactic and clinical knowledge, the DSL employs cutting edge technology in addition to the simulation standards of best practice.
Student Clinical Requirements
It is mandatory for students to complete and upload all clinical requirements to their Student Immunization Tracker via Castle Branch, see Health Requirements Guidelines for more detailed instructions about requirements: https://csh.depaul.edu/academics/nursing/student-resources/Pages/health-requirements.aspx. All clinical requirements must be submitted and approved prior to the first day of the quarter of clinical attendance. Updates and renewals (e.g., updated lab results, renewed coverage, yearly immunizations) must be submitted to Castle Branch PRIOR to the expiration date. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all clinical requirements are kept current.
Graduation Requirements
- DePaul University awards the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in nursing to students who successfully completed the BSN program. All requirements of the University, College, and School of Nursing must be met as outlined in the current Bulletin.
- The student is responsible for completing the application for degree conferral and commencement by the deadline posted in the academic calendar.
- Students are responsible for changes reflecting new program requirements if the department gives sufficient notice.
- Upon successful completion of graduation requirements, BSN students are eligible to apply to take the National Council of Licensing Examination (NCLEX). (See Legal Limitations below.)
- The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation requires that graduating BSN students submit to a fingerprinting processing from the Illinois Department of State Police or its designated agent.
- Licensure by the IDFPR will require a separate complete background check with fingerprinting prior to being given permission to sit for NCLEX. If criminal activity is noted, such activity MAY BE grounds for the student to not be given permission to take the NCLEX exam.
Legal Limitations for Licensure
Completion of the nursing education program does not guarantee eligibility to take the NCLEX. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation - Board of Nursing may refuse to issue a license for one or more causes stated in that section of the Nurse Practice Act.
Requirements for licensure vary from state to state. Those students wishing to take the NCLEX outside Illinois are advised to check with their state’s licensure requirements early in the academic program.