Other Important Information Regarding This Process


Because conduct that gives rise to a university-initiated temporary medical withdrawal or alterations in a student's ability to fully participate in certain programs, services, or activities at DePaul might also violate the Code of Student Responsibility, it is possible that a student who has successfully completed the plan for return might still not be eligible for return to full participation due to student conduct sanctions. Similarly, it is possible that a student who has satisfied all required student conduct sanctions might still not be eligible for return to full participation in programs, services, or activities at DePaul because of an inability to successfully complete the plan for return.

At any point during the university-initiated temporary medical withdrawal process, a student may decide to take a leave of absence or withdraw from DePaul for medical or other reasons pursuant to the Withdrawal policy. However, once a university-initiated temporary medical withdrawal process has begun, DePaul may make the determination that it is appropriate to develop a plan for return. In that instance, the procedures detailed in this process would apply.

DePaul may make such reasonable exceptions to the university-initiated temporary medical withdrawal process as circumstances may require for the welfare of the university and/or the involved student(s), provided that fundamental elements of fairness and due process are observed.