False Information and Misrepresentation


Students may not knowingly provide false information to the University or assist with providing false information to the University. This includes taking any action based on known incorrect information. This also includes making a false report of an emergency regarding the University.

Students may not falsify, misuse, or knowingly misrepresent any University record or document.

Students may not engage in forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records, or identification or other materials submitted to the University.

Students may not misrepresent that they have authority to bind the University in any way, including by entering into contracts on behalf of the University.

Students may not intentionally misrepresent the position of the University.

Students may not use, possess, alter, manufacture or distribute an identification card or any similar document or information that is false or fraudulent in that it misrepresents an individual's identity or personal characteristics. This includes using another individual's identification.​