Character and Fitness Disclosures


​The Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar requires that the Dean of the law school certify that each student sitting for the bar has earned the JD degree. As part of that certification, the Dean must answer questions regarding the character and fitness of each bar applicant. Most other states require similar certificates to be completed by the Dean before students may take the bar exam. 

Students are advised that they have a duty to supplement their law school files if any adverse criminal, civil, administrative or financial events occurred before or during law school. If any discrepancy exists between information disclosed on the original law school application and the bar application, the student may be asked to meet with bar admission staff or the Board of Law Admissions. Adverse information not disclosed may result in the denial of a license to practice law. Students who do not fully disclose adverse information when they apply to DePaul University College of Law must do so at the earliest opportunity. If not, they may be cited for a violation of the College of Law Honor Code. Penalties, including letters of reprimand, suspension or expulsion, may be imposed for failure to make full or complete disclosure.