
All students applying to DePaul University for undergraduate admission must be in good standing at the last educational institution attended.  Good standing is determined when a student's record shows no academic or non-academic probation, suspension or dismissal at the last post-secondary institution attended, or if entering with no previous college or university work, to have proof of high school graduation (or equivalent) verified by providing an official transcript to the Office of Admission. The transcript requirement is waived for visiting students, but may be required to demonstrate completion of prerequisites.

A mandatory secondary review occurs for the following two cases.

  • Prior academic integrity or behavior conduct violations. Students on probation or suspended at a previous secondary or post-secondary institution must have satisfied that institution’s stipulations for a return to good standing before they may be admitted to DePaul. A student dismissed from another institution because of an academic or conduct violation must submit an explanation (see “required statement” below) for review by an Admission Review Committee. The committee may require additional information from the applicant and/or the previous educational institution.
  • Prior legal arrests, charges or convictions. Students who have been adjudicated guilty or convicted of a misdemeanor, felony or other crime must submit an explanation (see “required statement” below) for review by an Admission Review Committee. The committee may require additional information from the applicant and/or legal authorities.
Required statement

The required explanation for violations/convictions must include date of occurrence, summary of the incident, how you were held accountable (legal charges, outcomes, sanctions, etc.), and any additional information you wish to provide.​